Who I am…
Jordan Ferré
This is me holding a tree frog in Cairns, Australia!
I am a student and a traveler.
I am studying Earth Systems at Stanford University and participating in every abroad program I can. In the past year I have sailed across the South Pacific and spent three months in Australia and New Zealand.
I am a student of our planet, particularly her oceans, so that I can help protect them.
I am a sister, daughter and community member, hailing from a small town in Northeast Oregon.
I will be a scientists serving on the front lines of both ocean science and activism.
I want to use the education that I have been fortunate enough to obtain to teach others about the planet, how we are impacting it and how we can make a change.
I want to surround others with and be surrounded by love and support.
Why this? why Now?
A few years ago, over spring break I was reading Deep by James Nestor. The book uses the author's journey of learning to free-dive around the world to explore all the levels of the ocean.
As I was reading, I was learning about the habitats at different depths of the ocean and how we humans are impacting each depth zone of the planet, from the beaches to the depths of the Marianas Trench (the deepest part of the oceans). With each chapter I read I got more and more upset that I felt like I couldn’t do anything meaningful to help our planet. That is when I decided to start my Instagram @deepblueworld1. Each of us has the power to make meaningful decisions that impact those around us.
We all have the amazing opportunity to live in a time when every decision we make is decisive, and we can actually know the impact of one choice over another. We have the power to make the world a better place!
Sometimes that is intimidating. Sometimes it feels like there are so many things that I could be focusing on, that instead of choosing one I just don’t choose any. I mean, how could my small decisions possibly be that important? But that is just the thing. Every decision is THAT important!
Our decisions are important for our own personal happiness as well as the health of those around us. Even those who aren’t alive yet are impacted by the choices that we make in our daily lives. The choices that we make, and the actions we take become our legacy and footprint on this world.
I want to make more informed decisions. I want to get to know myself and my planet so that I can make the best choices for them. Hopefully along the way we can learn a little bit about ourselves and the world we live in as well!
Programs I have been involved in:
Overseas studies in Australia
Stanford Outdoor Outreach Program