An introduction to the Social Ocean
This quarter I took a class called The Social Ocean. I will tell you what that meant in the context of the class, but first I want you to think about what it means to you. What is the “social ocean?” For me, the “social ocean” encompasses the concept that we are all connected to the oceans. The oxygen in approximately every other breath you take is from photosynthetic algae in the seas. We are all reliant upon the oceans and connected to them, no matter where we live. The oceans are inherently linked with human society and culture. The “social ocean” encompasses all of the ways that we as humans interact with the seas as well as all of the ecosystem and organismal interactions within the oceans. What did you think of when you first read “the social ocean?”
R Planet: Live Considerately
If you want to try going low-waste or vegan but are intimidated, don’t worry. Every small step counts, and the best thing that Raina and Rhema recommend you do to get started is to educate yourself and the waste management and recycling systems in your area. Once you know a little bit more about waste and what happens to it after it leaves your home, go through your trash and figure out where it is all coming from. Just being aware of the trash that you are creating is a huge step to reducing your waste! It isn’t about eliminating your trash altogether (or being able to fit a year's worth of trash in one jar) but being more aware of the impact that you are having on the environment. It is all about “PROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION!”
What will life post quarantine be like?
Personally I will to remember how sad it can be to stay stuck inside all day. I will spend more time appreciating what I have instead of dwelling on what I could or did have. Most importantly, I will remember just how big of an impact we are having on the planet. We have been blessed with this time of reflection and we should take advantage of it to identify how we want to live our lives going forward.