there is a world bursting with life and color underneath the thin blue line of the ocean!
When I dive under the water it is the closest feeling that I get to flying unassisted! an immediate sense of calm and awe comes over me as I am surrounded by the salty, life-giving waters of the oceans. Every time I venture into the otherworldly environment I am awestruck by the diversity and color that exists so close to our terrestrial world. each time I come to the surface I want to hold onto the feeling I had while underwater and share the amazing vibrancy of the oceans with others. We are not separate from the oceans, but are intimately connected to them. These are some of my favorite photos that I have taken on various dives and snorkels around the world.
Getting tail slapped by a twelve foot bull shark!
On my second diving trip with Broadreach to Fiji i had the opportunity to dive all around the beautiful islands! my favorite dive was when we were diving with bull sharks at shark reef with the Beqa Adventure Divers. While on this dive I had the privilege to observe about forty bull sharks feeding in front of us! these are not creatures to be feared but to revere with awe and respect. Also on this dive, I had the honor to be tail slapped by one of the bull sharks that we were watching. It was the highlight of my trip! Check out 3:41 for the magical moment!